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Stealth II G460 - Diamond Multimedia
Pros & Cons
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 28 June 1999


  • The biggest thing going for this card is price. This card fits right in to fill the void (at a pleasing price) between the top of the line cards available today, and what should be on retailers shelves by Q4 '99 (NV10 & Voodoo 4). If you've just spent $1000 or more building yourself a kick ass gaming rig, this card would be money well spent if you take the difference between this card's price and what a TNT2 Ultra based card costs (about $150) and saved it to slap down on that new NV10!.

  • Visual quality and performance are better than your other options in this price range...an ATI Rage Pro based card or nVIDIA Riva 128/128ZX card.

  • Decent CPU scalabilty: However this card will become a bottleneck for CPUs 400-450MHz and up.

  • The G460 is also very stable on FSB speeds up to 100MHz (that's the 1/1 clock divider). Of the cards we tested, all of them ran better on the 100MHz FSB and encountered no tearing or instability. This means it should work just fine for those of you running a P!!! - 450 @ 558 - 600MHz. Although the numbers aren't reflected in our review, you can expect about 3-5 FPS increase in performance with the higher FSB setting.

  • Intel's drivers do D3D and OpenGL excellently, and are very mature and stable.

  • Quite a few games are actually optimized for the i740 chipset.


  • As you saw by The Specs this card, like all other i740 based AGP cards does not play well with Super 7 motherboards. This is because of the usually poor implementation of AGP by Super 7 chipsets and GART drivers. While this card can work in a Super 7 board (a friend of mine actually uses this card in his K6-3 450 rig), we don't recommend it for Super 7 users.

  • Diamond hasn't put out any new driver releases since September of '98.

  • The i740's True Color support is 24bpp instead of 32bpp, but this is minor since you'll want to stick with 16bpp with this card anyhow.

  • Overclockability...there is none, save for bumping up the FSB.

  • Price...(what?) Yes, sadly, price. "Why?", you ask. Well, for $10-20 more you can get a 16MB TNT card, with composite video out, that eats this card for breakfast.


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