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Stealth II G460 - Diamond Multimedia
The Specs
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 28 June 1999

Here's the specs as listed on Diamond Multimedia's web site. As you can see, pretty standard fair as far as accelerators go.


  • Intel740TM graphics controller
  • 64-bit 2D, 3D and Video

Bus Type:

  • AGP 2X/ATX


  • 8MB 100MHz SDRAM Fixed

Integrated RAMDAC

  • 203MHz

Horizontal Sync Signals:

  • 31.5KHz-103KHz

Vertical Refresh:

  • 56Hz - 195Hz

Maximum Dot (Pixel) Rate:

  • 203MHz RAMDAC

Monitors Supported:

  • Standard and Multi-frequency Analog Monitors
  • DDC2B Plug and Play

High-Quality 3D Feature Set:

  • Backface Culling
  • Color Alpha Blending
  • Edge Anti-Aliasing
  • Flat & Gouraud Shading
  • Fogging & Atmospheric Effects
  • Hardware Triangle Setup
  • Mip-Mapping with Bilinear Filtering
  • Per Pixel Perspective Correct Texture Mapping
  • Real-Time Texture Paging
  • Specular Lighting
  • Stippling
  • Texture Chroma Keying
  • Texture Color Keying
  • Video Texturing
  • Z-Buffering (16bpz)

Video Playback:

  • MPEG-1, Indeo and Cinepak
  • X and Y Filtering
  • Upgradeable to DTV 2000 TV tuner/video capture


  • DB-15 analog monitor connector (VESA DDC2B)


  • Windows® 95, including DirectX
  • Windows NT 4.0, including OpenGL®
  • Windows 98
  • Microsoft WHQL Certified

Minimum System Configuration:

  • Intel Pentium® II-based system higher
  • One available AGP slot
  • Windows 95 OSR2 (Version 4.00.950 B) or Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 3)
  • 32MB system memory or more
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