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Stealth II G460 - Diamond Multimedia
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 28 June 1999

The Stealth II G460 is a good solid choice for the sometime game player or non-game playing, typical home user. At 30+ FPS with a 450MHz or higher CPU, good D3D support and a mature OpenGL ICD, it's also an adequate stop gap for those waiting for the NV10, Voodoo 4, etc., who don't want to drop big bucks on a card to use for only 3-4 months.

While the Stealth II G460 outclasses it's immediate competition (ATI Rage Pro/nVIDIA Riva 128/128ZX), gamers may want to consider spending the extra $10-20 for a TNT based card that would better suit them.

On the other hand, if you're overclocking with FSB settings higher than 112MHz then the Stealth II G460 may be for you. This holds especially true if you don't have a motherboard that will allow you to manipulate the AGP and PCI clock dividers, or automatically sets them to 1/2 and 1/4 respectively when using the higher FSB settings. (It really sucks to have P!!! - 450 that's capable of running @600MHz (4.5*133) and not be able to because your video card can't handle the AGP bus speed.) Yes, we realize that a new motherboard with these features would be a better solution, but this card can provide a quick and cheap fix for many overclockers.


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