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Stealth II G460 - Diamond Multimedia
What You Get
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 28 June 1999

Nothing spectacular with this card as far as freebies go, but there is some good stuff on the CD's that are in the box. Here's what you get:

  • Incoming – Full-version 3D AGP game by Rage Software (retail model)
  • FremontTM SE - 3D data visualization software by Portola Dimensional Systems
  • WorldView Professional – 3D animation package for PowerPoint® (retail model)
  • MGI's PhotoSuiteTM SE – photo manipulation software (retail model)
  • Adobe® Acrobat® Reader
  • Diamond InControl Tools – for custom desktop settings
  • Microsoft's Internet Explorer
  • BackWeb Software
  • Like I said, nothing spectacular. Incoming, while a good game, has been overdone by it's OEM inclusion in many packages. If you're like me, you already had at least one copy. Well, if so, just give it to one of your less fortunate friends. If they don't have it, they will appreciate it. The most useful software in the bundle, at least for me was MGI's PhotoSuiteTM SE. Take my word for it and stick with the Intel drivers, you won't be missing out on anything by not using Diamond's InControl Tools. If you need the functionality of InControl Tools, you can use Entech Taiwan's PowerStrip.

    Anyhow, I don't buy, and wouldn't recommend buying hardware based on the bundle. Where a bundle comes in to play is when confronted with two similar products that are close in price. In this case the one with the better bundle can sway you.

    The G460 pretty much follows the Intel reference design. It's well layed out and has the "look of quality" that you'd expect from Diamond. Cooling is handled passively by a good sized heat sink atop the i740 chip. You'll also notice feature connectors on the top of the card that will accomodate a TV Tuner add-on from Diamond.


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