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Stealth II G460 - Diamond Multimedia
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 28 June 1999

Diamond Multimedia Stealth II G460The Stealth II G460 is an 8MB AGP 2D/3D accelerator card based on the Intel i740 graphics chipset. This card from Diamond Multimedia is yet but another in the Stealth value series. You may be wondering "Why a review of this card now?". It's quite simple really, PRICE! ($30-45 U.S)

Although Diamond hasn't released any new drivers for this card in quite a while, Intel has. The newest reference drivers from Intel add a little zip to this otherwise mediocre card and also provide solid Direct 3D support and a very mature OpenGL ICD. While this card is no speed demon, it does have excellent picture quality and is capable of playing current 3D games well enough for a part-time gamer, when coupled with a decent CPU (read 400MHz or better).

You'll find this card in quite a few OEM systems. If you have one or are buying a system with this card in it, definitely download Intel's reference drivers (PV 4.0). Not only will you get the benefits listed above, but, these new drivers add more control options to the control panel, such as the ability to disable v-sync.

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