Stealth III S540 - S3/Diamond Multimedia
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 12 October 1999
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The Numbers

The numbers aren't really impressive. As a matter of fact, we expected somewhat more from this card, especially under Direct 3D where this card posts some pretty abysmal numbers when compared to it's OpenGL and Q3A Test performance.

For now, we will consider this a driver problem, that should hopefully be fixed soon.

Click on a chart to see the numbers!

Direct 3D & OpenGL - Click to Enlarge Quake III Arena Test - Click to Enlarge

Direct 3D & OpenGL

Quake III Arena Test

Like 32bpp color and OpenGL games? If so, this card may be right for you. That is if you don't mind playing at 800x600 to get good performance with it.

An interesting anomaly was noted with Quake III Arena Test, in which the scores for all resolutions in the 'Normal' and 'High Quality' settings matched each other. I thought this was strange, so I ran all of the Q3A Test benchmarks (5x each for each setting/resolution) two more times. Each time I got the same numbers. Maybe there is still more room for improvement with the drivers under OpenGL as well.

Overall, you can see where this card's 64Mb memory pipe just kills it's performance. As resolution increases (1024x768 and beyond), you can really see the huge dip in the frame rates. One interesting thing you'll notice though, is that frame rates take a significantly bigger hit with the increased resolution than they do with a higher color depth.


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