Stealth III S540 - S3/Diamond Multimedia
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 12 October 1999
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The Test

Only 3D performance was benchmarked.

Testing methodology:

Direct 3D Performance

  • Incoming Gameindex

  • Unreal v2.25 'Flyby' timedemo

OpenGL Performance

  • Quake II v3.20 - 'demo1.dm2'

  • Quake II v3.20 - 'crusher.dm2'

Quake III Arena Test v1.08

  • 'q3demo1.dm3'

All Direct 3D and OpenGL tests were run in six series (640x480x16, 640x480x32, 800x600x16, 800x600x32, 1024x768x16, 1024x768x32), five times each series. The highest and lowest scores for each test were discarded, and the remaining three scores were averaged.

Quake III Arena Test scores were derived with the same methodology, but, the standard 'Fastest', 'Fast', 'Normal' and 'High Quality' settings were used with each of the test resolutions.

All tests were run using default visual quality settings, high quality sound on and v-sync disabled.

So, how does it perform?


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