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Stealth II G460 - Diamond Multimedia
The Test
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 28 June 1999

The test system:

  • ABIT BH6

  • Celeron 300A (at 300MHz and 450MHz)

  • 128MB Memory Man SEC Original CAS-2 SDRAM

  • Diamond Stealth II G460 (Intel PV 4.0 drivers)

  • Hi-Val PCI-338 A3D Sound card

  • Hi-Val 40x Max IDE CD-ROM

  • Maxtor 5400 RPM 10.8GB UDMA/33 HDD

  • Windows 98 w/Service Pack 1, clean install

How we tested:

Direct 3D Performance

  • Incoming Gameindex

  • Forsaken Biodome Demo

OpenGL Performance

  • Quake II v3.20 - 'demo1.dm2'

  • Quake II v3.20 - 'crusher.dm2'

All tests were run in four series (800x600x16/300MHz CPU, 1024x768x16/300MHz CPU, 800x600x16/450MHz CPU & 1024x768x16/450MHz CPU), five times each series. The highest and lowest scores for each test were discarded, and the remaining three scores were averaged. All tests were run using default visual quality settings, sound on and v-sync disabled.

Since nearly all video cards today are more than adequate for the task, 2D performance was not evaluated.

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