Stealth III S540 - S3/Diamond Multimedia
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 12 October 1999
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The Specs

Here's the specs as listed on Diamond's web site. As you'll see, everything you would expect in a current generation video card. One thing to take note of is the slower memory clock on the PCI version. Also of particular note is the lack of hardware assisted DVD/MPEG-2 on the PCI card. These deficiencies on the PCI product make this card less palatable for those who may be looking for a PCI video card.


  • S3 Savage4 Pro+
  • 128-bit 2D, 3D and video

Bus Type:

  • AGP 4X (Compatible with AGP 1X/2X)
  • PCI


  • 32MB SDRAM
  • AGP
    • Capable of achieving memory clock speeds of 143MHz
  • PCI
    • Capable of achieving memory clock speeds of 125MHz

Horizontal Sync Signals:

  • 31.5KHz-112.0KHz

Vertical Refresh:

  • 60Hz-200Hz

Maximum Dot (Pixel) Rate:

  • 300MHz RAMDAC

Monitors Supported:

  • Standard and Multi-frequency Analog Monitors
  • DDC2B Plug and Play

Video Playback:

  • AVI and MPEG-1
  • DVD/MPEG-2 (AGP only) requires DVD ROM drive for playback
  • Motion compensation
  • X and Y interpolation
  • Color space conversion


  • DB-15 analog monitor connector (VESA DDC2B)

Complete 3D Feature Set:

  • 8-bit Stencil Buffer
  • 32-bit Rendering
  • Anisotropic filtering
  • Backface Culling
  • Bilinear MIP Mapping
  • Bump Mapping
  • Floating Point Z-Buffer
  • Full Scene Anti-Aliasing
  • Gouraud Shading
  • Integer Z-Buffer Multi-Texture Blending
  • MPEG-2 Video Textures (AGP version only)
  • Perspective Correction
  • Ramp Mode Rendering
  • Reflection Mapping
  • Single-Pass Bump Mapping
  • Single-Pass Multi-Texture Blending
  • Strips and Fans
  • Texture Cache
  • Texture Compression
  • Tri-linear MIP Mapping
  • Up to 24-bit Z-Buffer
  • Variable Length Vertex Parsing
  • Vertex Cache
  • W-Buffer

API Support

  • DirectX 6.1, OpenGL ICD
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