Stealth III S540 - S3/Diamond Multimedia
Reviewer: Tom "GhostRider" Burman
Date: 12 October 1999
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The Stealth III S540 is a good value end choice for those that want to do more than play games (e.g. watch DVDs). Diamond has included an excellent bundle with this card, which makes for a strong case in influencing your purchasing decision, especially when deciding between this card and an M64 based card with no bundle.

With it's hardware assisted DVD decoding, S3TC and 32MB RAM, this card will suit the typical home user extremely well and will also do well for the occasional or budget limited gamer (or those that appreciate "eye-candy" over frame rates). Hardcore gamers will be severely disappointed with this card's performance, even after it's remaining driver issues are ironed out.

If you can hold off on buying a new video card for about 3-4 more months, you'd be better off, as 32MB TNT2s (not M64s) should be available for roughly the same price as the S540 is now. But, if you have a need for a 32MB video card that has some good features and support for AGP 4x right now, at a low price, then this is it.


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